Reflective Journal
Week Two
March 22-26, 2004
Week Two, Day One, Monday, March 22, 2004
Rotation Day One
Today’s classes were:
- Homeroom.
Attendance was
completed by the students as they arrived to homeroom. The teacher read the
names of students not checked off to determine if they were present.
- Concert Band did not rehearse due to PSSA testing
- Clarinet, Flute, and Mallet Sectional Rehearsals
I played flute and clarinet with the students during
the rehearsal as a way to demonstrate technique in playing their
instrumental parts.
- As a surprise, Mr. Long asked me to teach the
third flute sectional today.
Concert Band Sectional Rehearsal (all instruments exc.
non-pitched percussion)
Mr. Long uses an instrumental lesson plan assignment sheet in a
checklist format. The checklist contains major and minor scales, and space for
writing in additional assignments. A student is given a new sheet each week
with updated assignments to complete for the next sectional rehearsal.
I noticed the woodwind players lack good air support when
they play their instruments. This resulted in poor intonation, tone
quality, and difficulty in playing in the upper register.
Therefore, I played along with the students to be a model for them to observe
and provide an insight in how their instrumental parts should be performed.
Performing with the students also enabled me to become familiar with the
students and for them to get to know me.
Teaching a Flute Sectional
I discussed or demonstrated the following points to the
- Breathing. The importance of good breath
support when playing any wind instrument. Especially the flute. I
demonstrated deep breathing technique to the students.
- Flute Warm-ups: Play long tones and
scales. To improve the ability to play in the third octave, the
students should play the concert Bb scale in whole notes for two octaves.
- Staccato Articulation of dotted quarter and
eighth notes.
- Flute fingerings for notes in the third octave:
G, Ab, Bb, and C.
- Rehearsed "Incantations." I was not able to
complete the entire piece because it was necessary to spend time to teach
the students how to play the fingerings for notes in the third octave.
Week Two, Day Two, Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Rotation Day Two
Today’s classes were:
- Homeroom.
- Concert Band did not rehearse due to PSSA testing
- Bass clarinet, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophone
Sectional Rehearsals.
- Mr. Long asked me to teach the bass clarinet
sectional rehearsal because he needed to attend a doctor's appointment on
short notice.
I played alto saxophone with the
students during the rehearsal as a way to demonstrate technique in playing their
instrumental parts. Performing with the students also enabled me to
become familiar with the students and for them to get to know me.
Teaching the Bass Clarinet Sectional Rehearsal
I discussed the following points to the students:
- Breathing. The importance of good breath
support when playing any wind instrument. Good breath support will help the
students to play across the break on the bass clarinet.
- Rehearsed "Incantations." I was not able to
complete the entire piece because it was necessary to spend time to allow
the students to woodshed several sections of the music. It was apparent the
students do not spend much time rehearsing the music on their own.
Tenor Saxophone and Baritone Sectional Rehearsal.
I observed Mr. Long teach the sectional rehearsal. Mr.
Long began by asking individual students to play the assigned scale for the week
as per the instrumental lesson plan. He then rehearsed “Incantations” for their
respective parts.
Week Two, Day Three, Wednesday, March 23, 2004
Rotation Day Three
Today’s classes were:
- Homeroom. I assisted with distribution of scheduling
forms to the students.
- Concert Band.
- Trumpet and oboe sectional rehearsals. Bass guitar
section did not meet today.
Concert Band Rehearsal
Mr. Long performed the following activities during
- Announcements. No announcements today.
- Band warm-ups: Concert F scale, quarter notes
and eighth notes. The teacher then asked the band to begin the scale on the
fifth scale degree (an interval of a perfect fifth.
- Music History. The teacher asked the students
what was the origin of one of the oldest musical instruments. (Horn from
animals used to create sound). The animal horn evolved into a brass
instrument by the Romans. Able to play a perfect fifth. The teacher
provided background information about fanfare music played by the ancient
Romans consisted of horns play in fifths. Today fanfare music used fifths
as part of the harmony in the music. This provided an introduction into the
song “Fanfare and Hymn of Celebration” which begins with a trumpet fanfare.
- Band music: Run through of the following music
Fanfare and Hymn of Celebration
Concert Band Rehearsal
I could not hear the trumpet section during the opening
fanfare though there were twenty-six trumpet players in the section. Mr. Long
stopped the band to remind the trumpets students not to play their trumpet bells
facing into the music stands which mutes the sound of their trumpets.
Trumpet Sectional.
Mr. Long asked the trumpet students to play their assigned
scales as per the instrumental lesson plan. Then, Mr. Long discussed the
following playing techniques:
- Positive Feedback. Mr. Long complimented the
students on how well they played the trumpet fanfare. Especially, when they
raised the trumpet bell up out of the music stand.
- Breathing. Mr. Long explained the importance
of good breath support when playing any wind instrument. He used the
analogy of a balloon filled with air and then the air is released to a
static state. Pushing the sides of the balloon will force the remaining air
out. He asked the students to breath and then push the remaining air out of
their lungs with their lower diaphragm muscles. The pressure the students
exert is what they should be doing when playing the trumpet. He then asked
the students take a deep air and make a “ssss” sound and notice how the
diaphragm muscle on exerting pressure.
- Buzzing Using a BERP. Mr. Long explained the
importance of buzzing into the mouthpiece without the trumpet. The student
should be able to buzz a major scale with only the mouthpiece. Mr. Long
then demonstrated using a training aid called a BERP, which allows the
student to practice buzzing. The BERP allows the student to feel the back
pressure that is similar to playing a trumpet. Using the BERP will enable
to play intervals on the trumpet when playing music.
- Rehearse Music. Mr. Long then rehearsed the
music to “Fanfare and Celebration.”
Mr. Long explained how to play staccato articulation. The second eighth
note should be short but not to short (not a dat sound).
Oboe Sectional Rehearsal.
Mr. Long asked individual oboe students to play their
assigned scales as per the instrumental lesson plan. Then, Mr. Long asked me to
rehearse “Incantations” while he conducted some office work he needed to
- I conducted “Incantations” and “Fanfare and a Hymn of
Celebratin” while the oboe students played. The students played the rhythms
well. I pointed out the need to play the dynamics in the music. I then
asked the to play and observe the dynamics in the music
While conducting the music, I
realized I had difficulty turning back to a page with a D. S. I will need to
place a tab so I can turn back quickly to the page.
Week Two, Day Four, Thursday, March 24, 2004
Rotation Day Four
Today’s morning classes were cancelled and afternoon
classes were scheduled for this morning due to teacher conferences in the
- Homeroom.
- Afternoon Jazz Instrument Sectionals (PM sections).
Jazz alto saxes did not meet. Percussion sections met.
Percussion Sectional Rehearsal.
Mr. Long asked the percussion students to perform snare
drum rudiments as per the Percussive Arts Society Drum Rudiments. Mr.
Long gave positive feedback to a student who was the first percussion student to
ever complete the drum rudiments assignment sheet.
Then he asked to the students to play percussion duets from
one of the following books.
- “Alfred’s Drum Method Book One” by Sandy Feldstein,
Dave Black, and Joy Wanamaker. Alfred Publishing Company.
- “Alfred’s Drum Method Book Two” by Sandy Feldstein,
Dave Black, and Joy Wanamaker. Alfred Publishing Company.
Week Two, Day Five, Friday, March 26, 2004
Rotation Day Five
Today’s classes were:
- Homeroom. .
- Concert Band: Run through of the following music
Grand Serenade
Fanfare and Hymn of Celebration
Coventry Square
- Jazz Band Sectional rehearsals. All sections received
information on jazz improvisation.
Concert Band Rehearsal
Mr. Long performed the following activities during
- Announcements. Song order was on the
- Band warm-ups: Warm-ups from “Symphonic
Warm-Ups for Band” by Claude T. Smith.
I played clarinet and sat with the
students who were playing second clarinet.
Mr. Long stopped the band because of the poor entrance by
the trumpets students not to play.
Jazz Alto Saxophone Sectional Rehearsal.
Mr. Long performed the following jazz improvisation
information during rehearsal:
- Chord structure built upon thirds. Triad has three
notes. In jazz, the dominant seventh is a fourth note added.
- Musical aspects that can be used in improvisation
other than playing jazz scales were: harmony, rhythm, dynamics, and
articulation. In addition, question and answer phrases can be used by two
or more player who are improvising.
- 12 Bar blues pattern.