Grout, Donald J., and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. 5th ed. New York: Norton, 1996.
Sadie, Stanley. The Norton/Grove Concies Encyclopedia of Music: Revised and Enlarged. New York: McMillan, 1994.Online Internet Resources
Sloninsky, Nicolas. The Concise Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 8th ed. New York: McMillan, 1994.
Sloninsky, Nicolas. Webster's New World Dictionary of Music. New York: McMillan, 1998.
Stolba, K. Marie. The Development of Western Music: A History. Dubuque: W.C. Brown Communications, Inc., 1994.
Arnold, C. "20th Century Music." 20th Century Music Composers. 6 August 1998. Emory University. 2 May 2003 <>.Grahic Images Used
Debussy, Claude. "La Cathedrale Engloutie." n. a.. 7 May 2003. The Classical Music Archives. 7 MAY 2003
Hahn, Chung-Fang Bettina. "Claude Debussy’s Works and Style Summary." Welcome to Chun-Fang Bettina Hahn's Public Lecture Online. n.d.. Indiana University School of Music. 4 April 2003 <>.
Lilly, Joshua. "Composers Page." none. 20 January 2000. none. 7 May 2003 <>.
Create Rubrics at Rubistar Website
no name. "Rubistar." none. n. d.. University of Kansas. 7 May 2003 <>.
Online Music Theory Reference by Jose Rodriguez Alvira
<> 7 May 2003
Schwob, Pierre CEO. "The Classical Music Archives." n. a.. 2 May 2003. The Classical Music Archives. 2 MAY 2003
Claude Debussy Image
Dimitris, Alexandros Toubakaris. Dimitri's Homepage at Stanford. n.d.. 6 May 2003 <>.
Garcia, Jim "G Pentatonic Scale" graphic image 7 May 2003
Garcia, Jim "G Pentatonic Scale" midi file 7 May 2003
Garcia, Jim "Tritone Progression" midi file 11 November 2000
Garcia, Jim "Musical Staves" graphic image 7 May 2003
Garcia, Jim "Wholetone Scale" graphic image 7 May 2003
Garcia, Jim "Wholetone Scale" midi file 7 May 2003
Musical Tile Background used on my Homepage
no name. "Pat's Web Graphics." none. . n.a.. 28 April 2003 <>.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Image
Schwob, Pierre CEO. "The Classical Music Archives." n. a.. 2 May 2003. The Classical Music Archives. 2 MAY 2003
Contemporary Musical Instruments Image
Wiebe, Joanna. "Beyond OpenDoc vs. OLE: The Future of Component Architecture." Home Journal n. d.. 24 April 2003 <>.
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