Lesson Title: Music and Art of the Twentieth Century
Grade Level: Grade 9 or Middle School Level
Type of Lesson: General Music
Rhythm: ostinato, repetitive rhythms
Dynamics: dynamic contrast
Texture: polyphonic, homophonic
Timbre: instrumentation used
Harmony: dissonance, consonance
Melody: range, contour
Content Standard 6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing
Achievement Standard a:
analyze aural examples of a varied repertoire of music, representing
diverse *genres and cultures, by describing the uses of elements of music
and expressive devices.
Content Standard 8: Understanding relationships between music,
the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
Achievement Standard a:
explain how elements, artistic processes, and organizational principles
are used in similar and distinctive ways in the various arts and cite examples.
Achievement Standard c:
explain ways in which the principles and subject matter of various disciplines
outside the arts are interrelated with those of music.
1. The students will be able to analyze aural examples of
music by describing the uses of elements of music and expressive devices.
2. The students will be able to create an artistic drawing
representing elements of music and expressive devices.
1. The students have discussed musical aspects
about melody, rhythm, dynamics, texture, etc., in a previous lesson.
CULTURAL CONTEXT: Not applicable for this lesson.
1. Compact disc or cassette sound recording
of “Also Sprach Zarathustra,” by Richard Strauss, from 2001: A Space
Odyssey movie sound track.
2. Compact disc or cassette sound recording
of “Mars,” from the The Planets by Gustov Holst.
3. Compact disc or cassette sound recording
of “Violin Phase,” by Steve Reich, from Norton Anthology of Music Volume
Two, CD#12, track40-43.
4. Compact disc or cassette sound recording
of “The 7 Colours of the Rainbow,” from the recording album Fresh Aire:
7, by Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller, 1990 American Gramaphone Records.
5. Sound system with compact disc player, and
cassette tape player.
6. Microcomputer and Overhead Display.
7. Microsoft Power Point software or equivalent
8. “Music and Art of the Twentieth Century”
power point presentation by James Garcia.
9. The following art supplies: colored chalk
and/or crayons, sketch pad drawing paper, 18” x 12” paper or equivalent
materials for drawing pictures.
10. Blank sheet of writing paper, pen or pencil.
Introduction and Distribution of Materials (Playing Time:
1. Classroom setup. The teacher will setup
sound recordings and the microcomputer with power point presentation
before class begins.
• Display
Power Point Slide #1 Related Arts in Music Education.
2. The teacher will play the recording, “Also
Sprach Zarathustra,” from 2001: A Space Odyssey, while distributing
the art supplies to the students.
• Advise
students to take out a blank sheet of paper and pen or pencil.
• Distribute
colored chalk, crayons, and sketch pad paper.
3. The teacher will introduce the topic of this
• Display
Power Point Slide #2 Music and Art of the Twentieth Century.
4. The teacher will review musical terms discussed
at a previous lesson.
• Display
Power Point Slide #3 Musical Terms Review.
• Ask
students to describe each term.
Listening Activity One
Musical Journey One (Music Playing Time: 2:55).
5. The teacher will begin the first listening
• Display
Power Point Slide #4 Musical Journey One
• Provide
instructions for the activity (see slide).
6. The teacher will play the recording, “Mars”
by Holst, and display the following slides:
• Display
Power Point Slide #5 (display for 1 minute)
• Display
Power Point Slide #6 (display for 1 minute)
• Display
Power Point Slide #7 (display for 1 minute)
7. The teacher will ask the students to state
the words they used to describe the music.
Listening Activity Two
Musical Journey Two (Music Playing Time: 3:00).
8. The teacher will begin the second listening
• Display
Power Point Slide #8 Musical Journey Two
• Provide
instructions for the activity (see slide).
9. The teacher will play the recording, “Violin
Phase,” by Steve Reich and display the following slides:
• Display
Power Point Slide #9 (display for 45 seconds)
• Display
Power Point Slide #10 (display for 45 seconds)
• Display
Power Point Slide #11 (display for 45 seconds)
• Display
Power Point Slide #12 (display for 45 seconds)
10. The teacher will ask the students to state
the words they used to describe the music.
Music and Art Activity (Music Playing Time: 5:28).
11. The teacher will begin the music and art
• Display
Power Point Slide #13 Music and Art Activity
• Provide
instructions for the activity (see slide).
• Display
Power Point Slide #14 Example.
12. The teacher will play the recording, “The
7 Colours of the Rainbow,” from the recording album Fresh Aire: 7, by
Mannheim Steamroller, while the students contemplate and create their
art drawing.
• Display
Power Point Slide #15 Musical Terms to Use
13. The teacher will ask the students to show
their drawing and the words they used to describe their artwork.
1. The students are able to analyze aural examples of music
by describing the uses of elements of music and expressive devices.
2. The students are able to create an artistic drawing representing
elements of music and expressive devices.
Contextual understanding:
Students will be given a written assignment
to create an art drawing representing musical terms and assign descriptive
words that describe their ideas in their drawing.
1. A satisfactory/unsatisfactory criterion scale
will be used:
Satisfactory A drawing with descriptive words
is completed.
Unsatisfactory No effort made to complete the
DIVERSITY STATEMENT: Not applicable for this lesson.
“Also Sprach Zarathustra,” by Richard Strauss, from 2001: A Space
Odyssey movie sound track.
“Mars,” from the The Planets by Gustov Holst.
“Violin Phase,” by Steve Reich, from Norton Anthology of Music
Volume Two, CD#12, track40-43.
“The 7 Colours of the Rainbow,” from the recording album Fresh
Aire: 7, by Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller, 1990 American Gramaphone
to Access Master Reference List
External Links Provided by Dr. Ludeker
INTERNET WEBSITES (click on highlighted text to access
Arts edge
URL: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/
for Music Scholars-Harvard
URL: http://www.rism.harvard.edu/MusicLibrary/InternetResources.html
Smithsonian Art and Design
URL: http://www.si.edu/art_and_design/
for Music Educators
URL: http://www.edu.uiuc.edu/edpsy-387/tina-scott/project/home.html
External Links Used in this Assignment
Google search engine
Yahoo search engine
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to Jim Garcia's Homepage